참빛 야외예배 겸 피크닉입니다. 10월 17일 오전 10:30분까지 마운틴 레몬 중턱 (7000 피트) 로즈케년레이크 1번 라마다로 오십시오.
준비물: 성경, 찬송, 65도 정도 선선한 날씨에 적합한 복장, 식욕
Its time for church picnic.
Our church picnic and outdoor service will be on the 17th of October at Mt. Lemmon (Ramada 1).
time: 10:30am
place: Rose Canyon Lake
temperature: around 65 F.
what to bring: the Bible, song book
We'll enjoy lunch and Sunday worship service at the picnic site. Come with comfortable dress and good appetite. See you there!